Fruity fun Milkshake recipe

enjoy this fresh take on the over-the-top ‘freakshake’ trend! I’m sharing a fun and Fruity Milkshake recipe inspired by those high priced dessert shakes. Saúde!

This might be the ultimate summer snack – a layered banana and berry milkshake garnished with colorful fruit skewers. It’s easy, delicious and looks like a party in a glass. 
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I’m normally all about smoothies after a run. and if you’re the same way, for an option, I urge you to make this very special freakshake inspired recipe with fruit skewers and your favorite toppings. The fun presentation makes it feel like a lil celebration! 

You’ve probably heard that it’s important to ‘eat the rainbow’ when it comes to a healthy diet. That’s another way of saying your diet should include a variety of fruits and veggies. So, most of the time I aim for a colorful diet over the course of a day. but this recipe packs in most of the rainbow in one glass! 

And it’s not just pretty – this colorful milkshake is packed with protein from real California Milk and vitamin rich carbohydrates from fruit and spinach.

Receita de Milkshake Fruity Divertido

This layered healthy – ish milkshake recipe is inspired by the wild ‘Freakshakes’ popular right now.  but this version is a lighter take made with yogurt, milk and fruit. Makes 2 to 3 servings.

Fruity fun Milkshake – green Layer 1


1 cup ripe banana, chopped

1 cup real California Milk

1 cup spinach


Fruity fun Milkshake – Berry Layer 2


1.5 cups frozen blueberries, raspberries and/or strawberries

1 cup strawberry real California yogurt

1 Tb. querida

.5 cup real California milk (as needed to get desired consistency)

Fruity fun Milkshake – Topping Layer

Ingredients: [your choice]

1 cup vanilla real California yogurt 


Berries and/or other fruit


Coconut Flakes

Nozes picadas

Hemp seeds

Recipe Prep:

Make space in your freezer for the milkshake glasses to set after layer 1.

Place vanilla yogurt for the topping layer in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes.

Gather the toppings you want to use.


Blend all the ingredients for the 1st layer thoroughly. pour into glasses and place in freezer for about 5 to 10 minutes. (The 1st layer should solidify a bit so it can hold up the 2nd layer.)

While the 1st layer sets – make the fruit skewers. carefully stack berries and/or other fruit cut into small pieces onto the skewers and set aside.

Once the 1st layer starts to set – make the 2nd layer. blend the ingredients for the 2nd layer. [*Add milk to thin your shake or add ice to thicken it.]

Pour over 1st layer.

Stir vanilla yogurt that was in the freezer to remove any clumps or ice. place a scoop on top of each milkshake (dividing it equally).

Add your favorite toppings and fruit skewers to top it off and serve immediately.


Remember to look for the real California Milk seal when grocery shopping. That way you know it’s sustainably sourced milk from California dairy families.

You can check out more recipes made with real California Milk here. They even have a recipe to make The ultimate Donut Milkshake if you want to see a true freakshake!


Connect with me on  Instagram @RunEatRepeat with #SnackHappy on so we can chat about the best toppings.

Question: What’s your favorite milkshake topping? 

@RunEatRepeat – right now it’s more milkshake!

This post is sponsored by real California Milk. For more information you can read this site’s disclosure policy here.

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